Cybergrind - Discography

2021 - Monsters of Porn Vol 1 (Split)

In November 2021 I could release two new WHC Cybergrind songs on the Monsters of Porn Vol 1 Split. Other bands on this great porngrind split are Anal Fistfuckers, Orgasma Plasma, Vaginal Cadaver, Porno Fart and Clunge Gunge.

Be quick, the physical CD is limited to 100 copies as a special edition. A great opportunity for collectors!

2021 - The Six Principles Of A​.​I Takeover (Split)

Our comeback after 11 years in January 2021! On this great split album we could provide cybergrind noise again with two brand new songs. The track Rise of the Clitbull features my friend Nik the Pig from Vaginal Cadaver on guest vocals. The album was released by the Norwegian label Injecting Krokodil Into A Dead Dog Productions

Besides us you can hear the great bands Transmutation Cyborg Farm, Curried Shits, CxGxDxS, Tripofobia and LxMxLx.

2010 - Death 'N' Disco Massacre (Split)

After successfully releasing the Maximum Perversum Demo in 2009, we received an invitation by Captain Kirk on LSD Experience to make contributions for the Death ‚N‘ Disco Massacre Vol. 1 – 4 Way Split. The fiery Cybergrind production featured other crazy bands like Plasticdeity, Weeatpixelsforbreakfast and Captain Kirk on LSD.

We recorded 4 aggressive songs for the split among them Destroy That Ass and Lesbian Foot Lover

In 2019, Global Spermageddon Productions re-released this split.

2009 - Maximum Perversum (Demo)

The Maximum Perversum demo was released in 2009. I had to find a new way for my music, and with the old line-up that was not possible. Fortunately, I got to know Gronzo during this time. The Demo was a fusion of the classic Rock n’ Roll with a mean and brutal twist of Cybergrind. The topic was straight porn grind, although the titles did not fit the film samples, (Rookie mistakes).

We had immense fun recording the tracks, even though, in retrospect, we did a lot of things wrong.

2019 the demo was re-released by Global Spermageddon Productions.

2008 - The Chainsaw Demos (Demo)

The Chainsaw Demos was our first demo after rebranding to WHC. The sounds were a blend of Death Metal and Cybergrind – two of my favorite Metal genres. We experimented a lot in the release and thankfully it received immense support regardless. Unfortunately, we lost all the recordings in a hard drive crash and only a limited edition of 50 copies was sold. The recordings for this demo were from the years 2005 to 2008. The copies sold out that I never got to own one.

It was a very funny time in which we were allowed to play our first two small shows in 2008. Brutal noise, total chaos and great parties.

Death to all pedophiles!

Discography List


2008 – The Chainsaw Demos

2009 – Maximum Perversum


2010 – Death ‚N‘ Disco Massacre Volume 1

2021 – The Six Principles Of A​.​I Takeover

2021 – Monsters of Porn Volume 1

Full albums

2025 – Ghosts of Sodom (Coming soon)


2025 – The Vatican Tapes (Coming soon)

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